
QuickWayToFolders 1.4.2 for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

QuickWayToFolders Abstract:

QuickWayToFolders is an easy-to-use application created to offer you a quick folder content access. It is a free and open source folder browsing application that's light on system resources and portable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Unobtrusive and app which can easily browse through the contents of hard drive, with multi-language support - Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders
Unobtrusive and app which can easily browse through the contents of hard drive, with multi-language support.
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders - 1153px · 909px
Access your folders quickly - Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders
Access your folders quickly.
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders - 1153px · 909px
Quicker access to system folders - Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders
Quicker access to system folders.
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders - 1153px · 909px
QuickWayToFolders: User interface - Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders
QuickWayToFolders: User interface.
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders - 1153px · 909px
QuickWayToFolders screenshot
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders -
Size: 1153px · 909px
QuickWayToFolders screenshot
Screenshot of QuickWayToFolders -
Size: 1153px · 909px